Monday, April 18, 2016


File Sharing is the distribution of files through online means, in an effort to share with others a particular document, picture, video, program or even e-books. The main point of file sharing is a cheap, but most likely illegal alternative to having the files in your possession. There are many different ways these files can be shared, some include physically giving a file (USB), downloading off websites, etc.
P2P File Sharing is a form of the above-mentioned type which stands for Peer to Peer. This type of file sharing is the process of sharing files from an end-user (computer) to another computer directly. People use P2P FS in order to share large files like audio clips, videos, music, movies, and other sorts of large documents. Many companies use P2P technology in a way including Skype which actually formulated its company through P2P. But also Napster and Bittorrent are companies that brough this technology into popularity. Unsafe use of it can lead to viruses and other spyware that can harm the computer. Since this technology strips trvenue off the producers of the file, it becomes a very controversial topic that involves laws. Many wonder how duplicating physical copies may be unlawful, but doing it digitally makes sense. In the article "Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?" they claim the same statement, “If you put 200 VCRs in your garage and start making and selling copies of films, you will get a visit from the police,” he said. “If you do it from a Web site, everybody says, ‘Hey, freedom of information.’" This is exactly one side of this controversial issue that we deal with file sharing.

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